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Post By-Laws

Our Post By-Laws are the foundational documents that govern our organization's operations and membership.


They outline the rules, procedures, and guidelines that we follow to ensure transparency, fairness, and effective leadership.


Members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these by-laws, as they provide essential information about our post's structure, duties of officers, membership requirements, and more.


You can view the by-laws or                  PDF copy for your reference.


Why you should know

  • Understand your rights and responsibilities: By-laws outline the rights and obligations of members, officers, and committees.

  • Know the decision-making process: By-laws establish the rules for how decisions are made within the organization.

  • Be aware of organizational structure: By-laws define the structure of the organization, including its officers, committees, and their roles.

  • Understand the organization's mission and goals: By-laws often include a statement of purpose that outlines the organization's mission and objectives.

  • Ensure accountability: By-laws provide a framework for holding the organization's leaders accountable for their actions.

  • Protect the organization's assets: By-laws establish guidelines for the management and use of the organization's financial resources.

  • Resolve disputes: By-laws can help resolve disputes between members or between members and the organization.

  • Maintain continuity: By-laws provide a foundation for the organization's continued operation, even if leadership changes.

Download Post By Laws here


The American Legion National By-Laws

The American Legion National Bylaws serve as the foundational document governing the organization's structure, operations, and policies. These bylaws ensure consistency, accountability, and adherence to the Legion's principles across all levels of the organization.


Established in 1919, the Legion's bylaws have evolved over time to reflect the changing needs and challenges faced by veterans and their families. They provide a framework for the Legion's mission, which is to foster camaraderie among veterans, promote patriotism, and serve the nation.

Download National By-Laws here

Owen Coffman American Legion Post 519 House Committee Rules and Code of Conduct

Click on a page to view a larger version.

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